Kunze kweIguicoo's 60,000㎡ chirimwa, kambani yemubereki wedu Changhong Co. Ltd., inofukidza 860,000㎡ chirimwa, chinogona kuita zvido zvepurojekiti hombe.

Kuti uve nechokwadi kuti zviri nani chigadzirwa mhando, isu takawana iso 9 0 0 1, iso 4 0 0 1, ISO 4 5 0 0 1 uye anopfuura makumi masere ematura

20+ R & D Team

20+ R & D Team



Ultra-yakatetepa yakazara yekupisa yekuchinjisa rusvingo yakakwira mitsva yemhepo mhepo

Basement Ventilation Systems Erv HRV Energy Reperu Ventilation Rs.485 Therostat


Iguicoo Wifi Recaperator Ventilation Ventil Heat Pump High Quality Ventilation

Energy Kudzorera Ventilator system ine kutonhora uye inoisa simba

Ceiling yakamiswa imba yemhepo yekuchengetedza mweya wekudzokorora simba rekudzorera ventilator nekupisa kupora neanenge akangwara controller

Kupisa kudzosera mhepo neEC mota

Mhepo kune mvura inopisa pombi simba mverelation system ne bypass

Smart ceiling yakamiswa simba rekudzorera ENTELATOR System



Kambani mbiri

Wona zvimwe

Timu yedu

Wona zvimwe

R & D Simba

As a company of Changhong Group, in addition to owning the enthalpy difference laboratory and 30 cube laboratory, we can also share Changhong's noise testing laboratory.At the same time, we share technological achievements and shared production lines.So our capacity can reach 200,000 units pagore.

Wona zvimwe
01 / 03


Hutano hwekugara


Apartment / Hotera

  • Imba Type Low-Carbon Information Kamuri

Mhepo nyowani yekuchenesa ventilation system yekushambadzira zvivakwa zvivakwa

Mhepo nyowani yekuchenesa ventilation system yekushambadzira zvivakwa zvivakwa
IGUICOO provides fresh air purification ventilation system for commercial buildings, such as fresh air purification box,fresh air purification fan coil,energy recovery ventilators, fresh air purification systems. Here are some project cases for reference. Kana iwe uine chero chirongwa nezveHRV / ERV, kugamuchirwa kuti ubate isu kune mhinduro dzakaringana uye dzinodhura-dzinobhadhara.

  • Beijing Hofisi Kuvaka Project-1
  • Chengdu Zhongjiao Project

Children are the hope of the country, the future of the country, and the continuation of our lives.To create a healthy learning environment for children is the responsibility of every company.In addition to producing school-suitable fresh air systems for children, IGUICOO zvakare yaive nerombo rakanaka kutora chikamu mu "kuvandudzwa kwemhepo yemhando yemhando yemhando yemhando yekutanga uye yekondari kirasi".

  • Guangmo Kindergarten-2
  • RHDR

Hutano hwekugara


Apartment / Hotera






  • Ndeipi mhando yakanakisa yemhepo yemhepo yeimba?
    When it comes to ensuring a comfortable and healthy living environment, proper ventilation is crucial. Asi pamwe nezvakawanda zvekushandisa zviripo, zvinogona kuve zvakaoma kuona mhando yepamusoro yeiyo ventil ...

    Ndeipi mhando yakanakisa yemhepo yemhepo yeimba?

    Ndeipi mhando yakanakisa yemhepo yemhepo yeimba?

  • Chii chinonzi mweya mutsva wekutora zvinodiwa?

    Chii chinonzi mweya mutsva wekutora zvinodiwa?

    Chii chinonzi mweya mutsva wekutora zvinodiwa?

  • Mhepo nyowani iri nani pane iyo mweya unonatsa?

    Mhepo nyowani iri nani pane iyo mweya unonatsa?

    Mhepo nyowani iri nani pane iyo mweya unonatsa?

  • Cloud kudzoka

    Cloud kudzoka

  • Kana iwe uchitsvaga nzira dzekuunza mhepo nyowani mumusha wako, fungai kuita mhepo nyowani yemhepo yekuvira kweiyo system. Izvi zvinogona kugadzirisa zvakanyanya mukati memhepo yemweya uye gadzira nharaunda yekugara ine hutano. Imwe yenzira dzinoshanda kwazvo dzekuwedzera mhepo nyowani kune imba ndeyekuisa erv simba rekudzorera ventilator (ERV). A Erv inyanzvi yakakosha yekuvhuvhuta system iyo inoshandura stale indoor nemweya mutsva wekunze kwemhepo. Mukana wakakosha weiyo erv ndiko kugona kwayo kupora simba ...

  • If you're stuck in a room without windows and feeling suffocated by the lack of fresh air, don't worry. There are several ways to improve ventilation and bring in some much-needed fresh air ventilation system. One of the most effective solutions is to install an ERV Energy Recovery Ventilator (ERV). An ERV is a specialized ventilation system that exchanges stale indoor air with fresh outdoor air while recovering energy from the outgoing air. Izvi hazvingapi chete zvinoenderera mberi supu ...

  • Kushisa kwakasimba sei yekudzora yekudzora?

    Kushisa kwakasimba sei yekudzora yekudzora?

    Kushisa kwakasimba sei yekudzora yekudzora?

    When it comes to enhancing indoor air quality while minimizing energy consumption, a Heat Recovery Ventilation System (HRV) stands out as a highly efficient solution. Asi ndezvei chaizvo? Ngationgororei zvinoshamisa zveiyi tekinoroji. Iyo HRV inoshanda nekudzorera kupisa kubva kunze kwekunze kwemhepo uye kuichinjisa kuti itore mhepo nyowani. Iyi process inoderedza zvakanyanya huwandu hwesimba rinodiwa kumamiriro ekunze anouya mhepo, nekudaro anowedzera ivere system yekubudirira ...

  • If you're looking for an efficient way to improve your home's ventilation while saving on energy costs, a Heat Recovery Ventilation System (HRV) might be the answer you're seeking. But how much energy can this system really save? Ngatisvike mumashoko. An HRV works by exchanging the heat between incoming and outgoing air. During the colder months, it captures the warmth from the stale air being expelled and transfers it to the fresh air coming in. This process en...

  • Ko kupisa kudzora mhepo systems inoshanda?

    Ko kupisa kudzora mhepo systems inoshanda?

    Ko kupisa kudzora mhepo systems inoshanda?

  • When it comes to ventilation systems, there are numerous options available depending on the specific needs and requirements of a building. Nekudaro, imwe system inomira pachena seyakanyanya kushandiswa: ...

  • Ndeipi iyo yakanakisa ventilation system yeimba?

    Ndeipi iyo yakanakisa ventilation system yeimba?

    Ndeipi iyo yakanakisa ventilation system yeimba?

  • Ndeipi mukana wekukwana kweiyo yekupisa yekudzorera mhepo system pamusoro pe ...

  • Nzvimbo Nyowani, New Kutanga Point, rwendo rutsva | Iguicoo miozyang offi ...

  • If you're seeking to enhance your home's ventilation and energy efficiency, you might be considering a Heat Recovery Ventilation System (HRVS), also known as a Ventilation Heat Recovery System. But is investing in such a system truly worth it? Let's explore the benefits and weigh the pros and cons. Iyo yekudzora yekudzorera mhepo system inoshanda nekutsinhana kupisa pakati pekupinda mhepo nyowani uye inobuda stale mweya. This process helps maintain a consistent indoor temperature while mi...

  • If you're looking to enhance your home's ventilation while also boosting energy efficiency, you might have come across the term “Energy Recovery Ventilation System” (ERVS). ...

  • Ini ndinoda kupisa kwekudzora ventilator?
    Sezvo mwaka unoshanduka, saka zvatinoda nekuda kwemhepo yekuvira. Nechando chando chakaiswa mukati, vazhinji varidzi vemba vari kushamisika kana ivo vachifanira kuisa mari mune yekudzora kupora ventilator (HRV). Asi ita yo ...

    Ini ndinoda kupisa kwekudzora ventilator?

    Ini ndinoda kupisa kwekudzora ventilator?

  • In recent years, people have advocated for an energy-saving and environmentally friendly living environment. Kuvandudza hupenyu hwehupenyu hwevanhu, uye kusimudzira "kuchengetedza simba uye e ...

    Mumakore achangopfuura, vanhu vakatsigira nzvimbo yekuponesa simba uye yemamiriro ekunze. To improved people's living quality, and promoted “energy conservation and emission reduction” in the construction industry. And with the increasing airtightness of modern buildings and the increasing attention paid to PM2.5, the importance of indoor air quality has gradually been emphasized. Therefore, fresh air systems have entered people's vision, and the mar...

  • Mhepo nyowani system, pasi pemhepo yekupa uye yepamusoro mweya wekugovera kuti ndeipi nzira ichave ...

  • Ongorora kupora kwekupisa kweiyo matsva emhepo masisitimu!
    Ngatisudei munyika inofadza yekupisa kudzorera mashandiro emweya mutsva masisitimu! It's widely acknowledged that fresh air systems excel at exchanging indoor and outdoor air. H ...

    Ongorora kupora kwekupisa kweiyo matsva emhepo masisitimu!

    Ongorora kupora kwekupisa kweiyo matsva emhepo masisitimu!

  • Nheyo nehunhu hweNjantalpy kuchinjanisa mhepo mhepo yeVentila ...

  • Ndeupi musiyano uripo pakati peimwe-nzira yekuyerera uye maviri-nzira inoyerera mweya mutsva wese ...

    Ndeupi musiyano uripo pakati peimwe-nzira yekuyerera uye maviri-nzira inoyerera mweya mutsva wemhepo masisitimu?

    Ndeupi musiyano uripo pakati peimwe-nzira yekuyerera uye maviri-nzira inoyerera mweya mutsva wemhepo masisitimu?

    The fresh air ventilation system is an independent air handling system composed of a supply air system and an exhaust air system, mainly used for indoor air purification and ventilation. Isu tinowanzo kupatsanura iyo matsvina matsva system mune imwe-nzira inoyerera system uye nzira mbiri-inoyerera system zvinoenderana neyekufashama sangano. Saka mutsauko uripo pakati pevaviri ava? Ndeipi nzira imwe-inoyerera iyo mhepo yemhepo system? Unidirectional kuyerera, inoreva kusavimbika kumanikidzwa kwemhepo yekupa mhepo kana unidirectional e ...

  • Energy Kudzorera Ventilator system nekutonhora uye nePaustur, anotungamira a ...

  • Suddenly in the midst of summer, it's time to have some activities! In order to regulate work pressure and allow everyone to enjoy the beauty and tranquility of nature in their spare time. Mu ...

  • Iguicoo anobatana maoko ne Changhong kuti atumire rwendo rwemhando yepamusoro.

  • House decoration is an unavoidable topic for every family. Especially for younger families, buying a house and renovating it should be their phased goals. However, many people often overlook the indoor air pollution caused by home decoration after it is completed. Should the home fresh air ventilation system be installed? The answer is already obvious. Many people have heard of the fresh air ventilation system. But when it comes to choosing, I believe many people are still a bit confused. Mu ...

  • IGUICOO Micro-environment Air Conditioning System, creating a healthy indoor space for your free and smooth breathing. The spring comes with pollen, and the worry of allergy. Usanetseke. Let IGUIC...

    IGUICOO Micro-environment Air Conditioning System, creating a healthy indoor space for your free and smooth breathing. The spring comes with pollen, and the worry of allergy. Usanetseke. Let IGUICOO become your breath guardian. How to solve seasonal problems? In spring, the revival of nature brings a vibrant scene, and also brings the troubles of pollen allergies. In this season of high allergy incidence, how to effectively prevent and reduce allergy symptoms has become a concern for many pe...

  • Spring is windy, with pollen drifting, dust flying, and willow catkins flying, making it a season of high incidence of asthma. So how about installing fresh air ventilation systems in spring? In ...

  • Winter brings wind and snow, with gusts of cold. Unforgettable companionship when stepping on the snow.  Sichuan Guigu Renju Technology Co., Ltd. E-mail:irene@iguicoo.cn WhatsApp:+8618608156922

    Winter brings wind and snow, with gusts of cold. Unforgettable companionship when stepping on the snow.  Sichuan Guigu Renju Technology Co., Ltd. E-mail:irene@iguicoo.cn WhatsApp:+8618608156922

  • Goredzva rakanaka!

    Goredzva rakanaka!

    Goredzva rakanaka!

  • Ndeupi musiyano uripo pakati peimwe-nzira yekuyerera uye maviri-nzira inoyerera nyowani ...
    Chii chiri nzira mbiri-inoyerera iyo mhepo yemhepo system? The two-way flow fresh air system is a combination of forced air supply and forced exhaust. Its purpose is to filter and purify outdoor fresh air, transport t...

  • Ndeupi musiyano uripo pakati peimwe-nzira yekuyerera uye maviri-nzira inoyerera nyowani ...

    Ndeupi musiyano uripo pakati pekuyerera kweimwe-nzira uye maviri-nzira inoyerera mweya mutsva wekudzivirira system? (Ⅰ)

    Ndeupi musiyano uripo pakati pekuyerera kweimwe-nzira uye maviri-nzira inoyerera mweya mutsva wekudzivirira system? (Ⅰ)

    The fresh air system is an independent air handling system composed of a supply air system and an exhaust air system, mainly used for indoor air purification and ventilation. Kazhinji, isu tinokamura iyo yepakati mhepo yemhepo system mune imwe-nzira inoyerera system uye maviri-nzira inoyerera system zvinoenderana neyekufashama sangano. Saka chii musiyano uripo pakati pemasisitiri maviri aya? Ndeipi imwe-nzira inoyerera iyo mhepo yemhepo system? Imwe-nzira kuyerera inoreva imwe-nzira yakamanikidzwa mhepo ...

  • On September 15, 2023, the National Patent Office officially granted IGUICOO Company an invention patent for an indoor air conditioning system for allergic rhinitis. Izvi ...

  • Mhando dzakasiyana dzeMweya mutsva Wentilation system

    Mhando dzakasiyana dzeMweya mutsva Wentilation system

    Mhando dzakasiyana dzeMweya mutsva Wentilation system

  • Urumqi ndiyo guta guru reXinjiang. It is located at the northern foot of the Tianshan Mountains, and surrounded by mountains and waters with vast fertile fields. Howev ...

    Iyo yekutanga yakachena mhepo yekuona horo muNorthwest China yakagadziriswa muUmqi, uye mhepo nyowani kubva kuIguicoo yakapfuura nepasipas yamuguan

    Iyo yekutanga yakachena mhepo yekuona horo muNorthwest China yakagadziriswa muUmqi, uye mhepo nyowani kubva kuIguicoo yakapfuura nepasipas yamuguan

  • In June, 2018, the Ministry of Ecology and Environment launched a new round of inspections aimed at strengthening the prevention and control of air pollution. Kuenzaniswa ne ...

  • Iguicoo anopinda yekutanga kuratidzira kwemhepo yekuchenesa mweya yekuchenesa, kuunza "zvombo zvakavanzika" kumusika wepasi rose!

    Iguicoo anopinda yekutanga kuratidzira kwemhepo yekuchenesa mweya yekuchenesa, kuunza "zvombo zvakavanzika" kumusika wepasi rose!


  • CE-ERV.2023
  • Iso9001
  • Iso14001
  • Iso45001
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